What is it about weight loss that is so elusive? Obesity rates soar, so many people feel increasingly more uncomfortable, and yet something seems to keep stopping people from losing weight? Why is effective and long term weight loss such a difficult nut to crack for what would seem to be the majority of the population?
The irony to many is that they do not enjoy the food which they are consuming. They enjoy the idea of it, but do not even enjoy the experience of savoring it. For some a sign which indicates a large portion is an instant pull, for others it is a particular taste, be it chocolate or cheese. And a few just find that the idea of food, no matter what type, taste or size, is just a magnet to their soul.
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The opposite is true as well about some types of food. You could have an aversion to oysters, vodka, or an entire type of food, perhaps seafood. These are just examples, of course. Such aversions are only rarely caused by an actual allergy to that type of food; rather, this aversion is based on experience. I mentioned vodka, because this alcoholic drink is often the one drunk by youngsters in the UK, and often abused and consumed to excess. Vodka seems to be most popular with the younger generation as it has so little taste. It's therefore easy to drink and to get drunk upon.
When one gets drunk, one can have a very unpleasant experience, feeling sick, getting sick, and more and more frequently these days ending up in the care of the emergency services. With such a highly emotional experience it is very easy for one's mind to record this as something bad and in effect to "red flag" it and create a subsequent aversion to the cause - vodka. As my partner just commented, it's a shame that alcohol in general is not red flagged!
Your mind has the ability to make both positive and negative associations with specific types of food and alcohol, and more generalized categories of edible items, some of which you will be aware of the root cause and some of which you will not be aware of. These associations are very rarely based on taste and certainly not upon pure hunger. They are based instead on emotional connections due to one's experiences and observations.
Have you analyzed your feelings about food? Do you enjoy the taste and texture, the sight, the sensation of crunchiness or smoothness in your mouth? Do you see how long you can savor each taste for, or just gulp down each spoonful without full awareness? Do you take time to place your knife and fork down upon the table and become aware of how your tummy feels? Have you worked out what eating excess food does for you in a positive way, or is it merely habit?
Apply these questions to alcohol as well as to food, seeing as both involve calorific intake. Why do you drink vodka instead of Gin, and so on? And why do you have just one glass, or two, or a bottle? Is it taste, or perhaps environment, or just pure habit?
Everyone is different; everyone lives in accordance with their own experiences and expectations of life. There are also cultural influences upon what, when and how we eat. "Why" is a great question to ask in order to get to the root of any habit which you are the subject of. If you habitually eat too much, then ask yourself "why?" If you habitually have a sweet tooth then ask yourself "why?" And listen internally to the first answer which pops into your mind, and ask "why" once again...and so on. This, to most, is an extremely enlightening experience.
The next question to ask is "what can I do in order to change?" This, of course, assumes that you do indeed want to change. And this can be the crux of the matter. Perhaps you feel more comfortable being a few pounds overweight, either consciously or subconsciously. Perhaps it is "safer" or more "normal" to be overweight. For so many people, an inner conflict is experienced over the desire to have the perfect weight versus the desire to "fit in". And this desire to "fit in" can be a fitting in with one's perception of themselves or a fitting in with how they see their immediate environment. Culture and personal expectations are intertwined and unless you keep asking yourself "why" you will not get to the root of your own pathway to successful weight loss.
At the end of the day, no matter what answers you come up with, a certain amount of mind retraining is needed in order to change. It is acknowledged (and proven) that 90% of success in sport is rooted in one's mind. This equation is reflective of the success of almost anything in life. And effective weight loss is no exception. 90% of successful, long term, effective weight loss and subsequent balance is in your MIND.
You have to get your mind working for you to enable weight loss. And this is in fact very easy with the help of hypnosis weight loss downloads. Why hypnosis, you may ask? Because hypnosis is a state of relaxation which allows access to the inner workings of your mind, your subconscious mind. You can therefore retrain your mind by removing old assumptions and associations about food (or alcohol) and create new links in your mind which lead to being slim and healthy. By creating new positive links in your subconscious mind these become just as automatic as those old associations.
Hypnosis weight loss downloads are available instantly in your own home and they are inexpensive. They are amazingly effective, and will allow you to imagine yourself in a slim new way. You will see yourself in a new light, with new eyes, from a new perspective, and this is the only way in which you will lose weight effectively. Diets alone simply do not work - they only tackle 10% of the issue. You mind deals with the other 90% of you successful weight loss program.
Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for hypnosis weight loss success.
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